Replica Balenciaga Bags | Replica Prada Bags Series Limited Edition Sale
Did somebody say ‘Replica Balenciaga Bags’? Well, this person hasn’t met the Balenciaga Cable Raffia Maxi Basket. And when I say MAXI, I really mean going to the max – deep bottom and enormously width.
The question ‘how much essential can it carry’ is now ‘how much essentials do you have’. Use it as a shopping bag or as a weekend bag; store your shirt jacket when it’s hot.
This bag is made as an extension of Balenciaga’s most recent Cable Collection. It’s an all-season tote bag made from calfskin and raffia. It’s now only available in black.
This Replica Prada Bags has a unique shape and is very width. The center is embellished with a golden plate and marked with the brand’s logo. It comes with thin feminine handles.
The interior opens and closes with magnetic closure – inside you will also find a leather zip pocket. Measuring 36 x 70 x 20 cm (W x H x D), priced at €1095 euro or $1545 USD via Balenciaga boutique.